Apparently, when you stick a little seed in the dirt and give it enough water and sunlight, things grow. Ben is the resident gardener 'round these here parts, so this year I haven't done much in that arena except the [very] occasional weeding and running out to grab something so we could eat it that day. Well, I decided that we've been grossly neglecting the garden, so yesterday we spent the morning there as a family. We weeded and picked all of the fruits of our labors that were in any state to pick. We've picked a few things here and there to eat and to give to friends, but yesterday was a knuckle-down-and-see-what-we've-got-and-what-we-need-to-do-with-it day.
Apparently, what we need to do is learn how to make pickles.
I don't even like pickles. But Ben and Turtle do, so there ya go.
We also had enough zucchini for one or two of loaves of zucchini bread.
Who am I kidding? We were sick of zucchini before we ever picked those monsters (or the two other monsters that we already gave away).
And we need to find a good way to store some yellow squash too.
And there's beets and cabbage and corn and the 4th time we've picked green beans too. Although, we did eat that corn for dinner today. Mmmmmm.
Not bad for one week, eh?
Aside from all of this, we have pumpkins and watermelon taking over the entire garden, onions, carrots, garlic, peppers, more corn to pick, probably some more green beans, cucumbers and squash and tomatoes that are just starting to turn red. I don't even like tomatoes. Why do I grow them? "Because I'm an old Southern woman and we're supposed to wear funny looking hats and ugly clothes and grow vegetables in the dirt. Don't ask me those questions. I don't know why, I don't make the rules!"
First one to name that movie wins a cucumber.
Wow! Impressive!!!
We just canned pickles last weekend! It is super easy, we made ours spicy but you could do them without the spice! We made freezer strawberry jam as well. So fun, it looks like you guys had a great garden!
Hope you are all doing well!
ps the movie is Steel Magnolias--I'll be expecting my cucumber! ;)
Thanks Camille!
And Mike (Or Amanda, I'm assuming), I did pickles a couple of days ago and was surprised at how easy it was! I did bread and butters and some dill. I'll make sure to save a cucumber for you for the next time we see you. :P
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