December 12, 2011

Of Humming, Pinning, and Hotdogs

What I learned from my 5 year old at breakfast this morning. "Mom, did you know you can't hum if your nose is plugged?"

You just tried it, didn't you? And you got about one second in and realized that unless you opened your mouth, there was nowhere for the air to escape, right?

I started a new blog all about another website that is all about stealing other people's ideas and pretending to yourself that you're going to try them someday when really, you know that you won't. Only, I decided to start trying them, hence the new blog. But don't worry, it won't be taking the place of this personal blog - you'll still get your quarterly updates. :p

Things that have happened since we harvested all that stuff from our garden: Turtle's in kindergarten (I think he may have started before I posted that, but whatever); Bunso started crawling and is now close to walking; Chicken Little changed his name to "Hotdogs" and discovered the amazingness that is pirates; Ricochet turned 8 and was baptized.

There you go, everything you ever wanted to know about my life in the last few months. And now you can carry on with your life until your next quarterly dose of awesomeness.

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