May 24, 2011

My Amazing, Incredible, So Good, Very Awesome Idea

Dear Charlotte,

I just have to start by saying that I'm sorry if this post makes you jealous of my fabulous skills. I can't help that I'm awesome, so really, don't hate me for it.

So you know all those paper slip covers that come on some movies?

*ahem* Disney *cough* *cough*

Sorry, had to clear my throat there. Anyway, I have this weird thing about not throwing them away. Don't ask me why. I don't know. My darling husband hates. them.

I can never find a stinkin' bookmark in this house when I need one. I know - totally off topic.
Or is it? I give you:
Bookmarks out my eyeballs!

And in a designated container. On the bookshelf. Never again will we have to wander aimlessly in search of a suitable scrap of paper to save our place in a book. Oh. Happy. Day.

See? That took serious skill.

Don't be jealous.

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