Dear Charlotte,
There are some pretty awesome blogs out there. And funny. And crafty. Something for everyone. So I thought I'd share some of the blogs I've been hooked on lately. In no particular order:
Crap I've Made - a crafty blog where she makes crap. And other things too. Like witty and sarcastic comments.
Medicated No More - a blog about one woman's journey through severe depression and so much more. Start at the first post. And then when you get to the most recent, wait around for more updates like you just can't survive without knowing what happened next. Actually, she just had her FIFTH baby, so give her a break. It'll probably be while before she updates again.
Mostly True Stuff - this lady has a kid with autism and a kid with down syndrome and a couple (or maybe just one?) in between. Gosh, now I can't remember if she has 3 or 4 kids. But she's awesome and tells it like it is. Except when she doesn't. Make sure to read her "FAQs"
Stay At Home Mom Sisters - 3 sisters who post about family life and such. Pretty fun. Often witty. Oh so true.
Have a grand ol' time avoiding the laundry.
Peace out.
Here's another you'll get into:
Surviving Motherhood Without Eating Your Young
She has 5 kids, the first 3 are on the Autism Spectrum (one w/AS and the other w/ASD), and are from her first marriage. The other 2 are "neuro-typical" and are from her second (and current) marriage. Her ex is a piece of work and she takes it all in stride...usually. She has a fun writing style and most certainly tells it like it is...dripping with an extra dose of sarcasm, of course. :)
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