February 23, 2010

For The Moms...

Who sometimes get discouraged.

What Have I Done?
What have I done in my life, I ask,
What have I done that is grand?
I have not dazzled unnumbered crowds
Or starred in a chart-topping band.
I’ve not made speeches of grand design
Nor inspired numbers untold.
I’ll never travel the world around
Or win an Olympic Gold.

What have I done in my life, I ask.
No doting fans shout my name.
Or even whisper it soft and low
And reverence the awe of my fame.
I’ve never done anything great in life,
Never been better than good.
I am not best at even one thing.
What I’ve done is what anyone could.

I wash dishes, sweep, wipe noses all day.
Read stories, stop fights, and brush hair.
What have I done in my life, I ask,
As I yell for the twelfth time to SHARE!
I hear others talk of the things that they do,
The great goings-on of their lives.
They walked the Great Wall, danced at the ball.
I put away forks and knives.

What have I done in my life, I ask,
As I tuck in my toddler to rest.
He reaches up and kisses my cheek,
And says, “Mommy, you’re the best.”
No trip round the world, no medal of gold
Match up to those four words sweet.
My life can’t be measured by what I’ve not done,
But the lives that I’ve tucked in to sleep.

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