Dear Charlotte,
Here are a few hairdos we've done over the last couple of months. No, I do not ALWAYS do updos and put flowers in, but apparently that's the only time I take pictures. Enjoy!
These next two are from a Sunday when my niece and nephew were visiting, so I got to do her hair too. She has long, thick hair (much unlike my own little princess) and it was fun to do her hair, although it took longer too. They both wanted hair flowers, so they got 'em.
And lastly, this is a sneaky little way to do a curly hair-looking do without having to curl and trying to get the curls to stay in (a real challenge her at our abode). Here is where I learned how to do it. Ricochet's hair was a little short for it, but I'm thinking that if it's longer by my sister's wedding, this might be the way we go.
Here are a few hairdos we've done over the last couple of months. No, I do not ALWAYS do updos and put flowers in, but apparently that's the only time I take pictures. Enjoy!
These next two are from a Sunday when my niece and nephew were visiting, so I got to do her hair too. She has long, thick hair (much unlike my own little princess) and it was fun to do her hair, although it took longer too. They both wanted hair flowers, so they got 'em.
And lastly, this is a sneaky little way to do a curly hair-looking do without having to curl and trying to get the curls to stay in (a real challenge her at our abode). Here is where I learned how to do it. Ricochet's hair was a little short for it, but I'm thinking that if it's longer by my sister's wedding, this might be the way we go.
Dang girl! You are talented! This is why I was glad to have a boy-I canNOT do hair. I am very impressed with your skills.
Okay, I have come quite a few times to see your cute hair-do's - you are so patient - they are sooooo amazing!!! Hey, we are gearing up for the charity crop again - would you want to donate a sweet piece of jewelry again?
WOW, that looks so great! I don't know what I'm jealous of more, your ability to do that, or you having willing girls to practice on.
Well, she's not exactly willing. We often have conversations like this in the morning.
Me: Okay, Maddie, time to do your hair.
Maddie: I don't want to do my hair today.
Me: We have to do your hair today - it's Sunday.
Maddie: But I want to do my own hair.
Me: On Sundays, I get to do it.
Maddie: I just want a headband.
Me: Too bad. Sit down.
30 Seconds go by
Maddie: It's taking so long.
Me: We just started.
30 More seconds go by
Maddie: I can't sit this long! You're taking too long. I need to get up.
Me: Don't worry, we're getting closer to being done.
When we're done, she usually loves it if she sees a picture. She just isn't so fond of the process.
And I can't really claim talent either. I just steal ideas from the "hair blogs" I've become addicted to. Until I found them, I thought I couldn't do squat with Maddie's hair. But it's surprising how easy it can be if you've got instructions right in front of you and take a little time to learn a few basics. My goal is that by the time she starts school next year, we'll both be used to doing her hair and I'll be quicker so it becomes routine on school mornings.
I can't get over how tall the kids are. They really do grow up in the wink of an eye:(
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