My favorite customer of all was this cute cute young couple. They came around early in the day and we could tell she really liked the purses and wanted one and he was just watching her. They didn't end up buying anything. But then an hour or so later, he comes back and says, "I just had to wait until she left so I could surprise her!" And he bought her a purse and was so cute - he knew just which shells she wanted because he'd been watching her check it all out the first time.
And then there was this lady selling WHITE CHOCOLATE POPCORN and yummy yummy caramel and fudge. Mmmmmm. Obviously I couldn't resist. All in all, it was a great day.
I wish I could say the same about the evening. The show ended at 6. It took us about an hour to clean up and split money/inventory and everything. We were both pooped from a long day, even though we had a great time. And oh yes, did I mention yesterday was also Ben's birthday? I'm an awful wife. But I'm thinking I'll get home around 8 and we'll be able to spend a little time together. Stacy and I had met in Bountiful, where we left my car and then drove in together. So when we got to Bountiful to pick up my car, we transferred all of my stuff to my trunk and shut it. "All of my stuff" accidentally happened to include my keys. And I had not yet unlocked the doors. Luckily we have roadside assistance. I call the number (conveniently located on the window, thank you very much) and they said I'd get a call letting me know how long it would be. I'm thinking 10-15 minutes. So Stacy (who thank heavens hadn't left yet!) and I drove across the street to Taco Bell to something to eat. Meanwhile I get the call - FORTY-FIVE MINUTES! So we went to Sizzler instead. I order steak and a salad bar. The cashier asks me if I "want a coke?" "I'll just have water," I answer. Um, actually he had asked me how I wanted it cooked, so he and Stacy proceeded to make fun of me, of course. Yes, I was tired.
Anyway, long story long, we ate, I spilled food all over myself, we met the locksmith, I got in my car and drove home. Kind of a crazy night. But I do have a box of yummy caramels and a bag of awesome homemade soap to make up for it!
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