March 7, 2008

A Candidate for Katie Sue's Jane

I would like to officially announce Turtle's candidacy. If you don't know what I'm talking about, don't worry!

Meet Turtle
Cute, determined, in love with cars, balls, dogs, sticks and food. Loves kisses and hugs and teasing his big sister (see, he's normal). Definitely comes from a crazier family than Jane, but certainly not TOO crazy (I hope).


K Sue said...

Thank you for your submission of canidacy for a betrothal to Jane. We are pleased to inform you that you are in the official running. The final decision will be determined at a later time. We have to see what Jane's personality is like so we must wait a little while longer. The parental portion of the application is way approved.
I guess we will have to let them meet in the future--- Wouldn't that be fun!

Cute post!

MissGlimpseBlogSpot said...

I love that picture!!! Glad he made the first cut:)