February 16, 2008

Potty and other funny "Turtle"isms

You know you're toddler has an older sibling when....he uses needing to go potty as an excuse to get out of bed -- and he's not yet potty trained. Turtle's new favorite word is "DON'T!" as in don't put me in my carseat, don't change my diaper, don't tell me no, don't, don't, don't, don't. The cutest thing in the world is when he says his prayers at night (with help, of course). But if you tell him to say anything about something he recognizes, he has to point it out, like if we're thankful for daddy, he has to run into the other room and find daddy; if he asks to "help me (Me! Me! Me!) sleep well in his bed (Bed! Bed! Bed!)" he jumps up and down and points them out. Another cute thing is if I say "Kapeish?" He says, "Peish." It's a good thing he's so cute too, or I would have killed him by now for all the trouble he gets into. (Of course I wouldn't REALLY kill him!) He sure keeps us on our toes!

1 comment:

Mel said...

It's hard to believe that cute little Mason will be 2 soon!