September 19, 2007

Not Just Luck

So lately I've had a number of people tell me how lucky we are that I get to stay home and be with my kids all day. What I say is, "yeah, we are." But who knew that what I've been wanting to say is that I DON'T feel lucky to stay home with my kids. Are you crazy? you may be asking, Are you admitting you don't want to be home with your children? The answer is no, that's not what I'm saying. I don't feel lucky; I feel blessed for a commitment that my husband and I made before we were my husband and I. To me, LUCK does not play a part here. We decided that it was important for our children to have a mommy and not a babysitter long before we decided to even have children. It is not something that fell from the sky one day with a note saying, "IT'S YOUR LUCKY DAY!!! NOW YOU, TOO, CAN STAY HOME AND BE A MOMMY TO YOUR CHILDREN!!!" Is it easy? No. Most of the time my kids go to bed early because I'M tired. Do we have everything we want in life? No. We have one car. My husband rides his bike the two miles to work. (Well, he used to until last week when he rendered both himself and the bike inoperable - but that's it's own story. Now he walks.) Do we wear designer clothing? No - unless it came from a thrift store! The point is, we give up a lot, but we get a lot in return. Lucky? Nah, I call it blessed (and planned, too).


MissGlimpseBlogSpot said...

I'm happy you are blessed and planned:) But I also know that it is not easy and you sacrafice alot. Just think (which I know oyu don't) about your huge mansion in heaven and all the designer things you'll have up there. I really admire you. I don't know how oyu do it-- I think I can sneak you some salsa but if your husband share it I don't want to hear about it:) Espically don't tell my hubby about it-- it may push him over the edge.

Sarah or someone like her said...

I was just teasing about the salsa! It really is funny how Scott is about it, though - keeps me smiling just to think about it!

Mel said...

Welcome to the blogging world!!!

I totally agree with how you feel on the luck part. There are lots of sacrifices made to keep me home with Anna, but we don't really need cable TV, new fancy toys or designer clothing. I admit that sometimes I get lonely for adult conversation, but that's just another very small sacrifice for the ability to raise my own kids. Besides, how irresponsible can people get these days... forcing other people to raise their kids for them while they secure extra comforts and live a lifestyle that they claim they must have?

Mel said...

I have a friend who married a school teacher. They had decided that she would stay at home when they had kids, but while pregnant, they bought a home that would require 2 incomes. She currently works part time, and has been planning to leave work entirely by Sept 2007. Last I heard, she's now considering working FULL time. What ever happened to staying at home and raising their kid?

It's so sad, I used to work with people who were like that. They saw their success in life based on their career and how much $$ they brought home. What has changed her mind on the work vs stay home issue? Other working moms?

I think this "friend" has decided to dump me as a friend. Why? My hubby makes enough money to keep me at home, and I don't value my life and accomplishments on my career. Oh well, her loss!

Mel said...

Or should I say... "Her baby's loss".

Sarah or someone like her said...

True, mel - it is her baby's loss. That's so sad to me! I love my babies and even though they drive me crazy sometimes, I'm so happy I don't have to work. At the same time, I know Ben would take on 8 jobs if he had to so that I could stay home and be a mom. He's my hero!