August 27, 2010

Shameless Promotion WITH a possible prize!

Okay, okay, you probably saw that I had a new blog post and were jumping for joy to see what's going on with me and my life. Well, you're not going to get that. Right now anyway. What you are going to get is a shameless begging from Yours Truly. A few weeks ago I randomly posted a link for a contest from on Facebook. And then promptly forgot about it.

What is this website and their giveaway, you may be asking? Well, first of all, is AWESOME. It's a clothing/accessories website where you put in your specific measurements and preferences and then it uses those to recommend clothes that will look good on your body. It also automatically calculates your size based on your measurements. So you could be a size 4 in one brand and a size 14 in another, but it lets you know. They carry a variety of fashionable brands and are constantly updating. What is this amazing giveaway that has prompted me to write a blog post for the first time in months? They are giving away a $1000 shopping spree to whoever refers the most new users before August 31st. Only I had forgotten about the giveaway until yesterday morning. When I discovered that I was in 6th place. So of course I posted my link on Facebook again. And now I'm in SECOND PLACE. I have no idea how many referals the person in first place has (or how many I have for that matter), but wouldn't it be incredible if I won?!!

Here's what's in it for you. Go to Set up a free account and enter your measurements. And then come back here and leave a comment that you did it. If you already did it through my link, you can leave a comment too. And tell your friends to do it (make sure they do it through my link). And they can leave a comment too. IF I win, I will use to pick a "winner" from my comments who will get to order 1 item up to $100 with my winnings. Awesome, no? That's cuz I'm awesome. Seriously, go tell all your friends.


Anonymous said...

I saw your post yesterday on BBC and did it for you!! I hope you WIN! ;)

Unknown said...

I signed up through you. I hope you win! How exciting!

Unknown said...

Pick me! I really want that skirt!! --macjammer from bbc

The Fishers said...

I signed up for you! I'd love to win an outfit from you too :)

Megan said...

All signed up! Hope you win!